Los cruceros de lujo Silversea Expedition son diferentes a cualquier otra forma de viaje: emocionante, asombroso y humillante, todo al mismo tiempo. Te lleva a algunas de las regiones más remotas del planeta y te las muestra de manera íntima. Se trata de sumergirse en la cultura, el paisaje y el hábitat de una región con la ayuda de expertos que pueden iluminar todo lo que ves. Desde las exuberantes selvas tropicales del Pacífico ecuatorial hasta los extremos polares en el mismo borde del mundo, nuestros barcos de expedición navegan a los siete continentes. Puede explorar las maravillas pelágicas, admirar las mesetas volcánicas llenas de géiseres o entrar en el reino del oso polar.
- Todas las comidas incluidas
- Todas las bebidas en la suite y en todo el barco
- Servicio de mayordomo en cada suite
- Propinas incluidas
- WiFi incluido
- Spa y gimnasio
- Actividades de expedición y conferencias a bordo incluidas
- Zodiac Cruises y un equipo de expertos líderes experimentados
Silversea – Cruceros de expedición
Viaja a los confines de la tierra a territorios desconocidos y explora el inmaculado mundo natural como nunca antes. Experimente países no tocados por el turismo y descubra culturas dispares mientras viaja a lo largo de costas increíblemente hermosas.
Silversea - Africa & Indian Ocean
Take a luxury cruise to Africa that thrills, delights, surprises and intrigues, to a continent that is profound and extreme. Here Nature still reigns supreme, from the vast gamelands where wild animals roam to snow-capped mountains straddling the equator. Here too you'll discover an amazing variety of native cultures, some far older than any others on earth. From the Spice Markets of Cochin to Africa’s storied western coast, a cruise to the Indian Ocean can reveal the mystic and raw beauty of the most mysterious continent of all.
Silversea - American West Coast
A Silversea Expeditions North American Cruise takes you to fertile wooded hillsides flanked by towering redwoods, soaring mountain views and pretty wildflower meadows, sophisticated modern cities and villages from the beginning of the last century. These scenic shores offer whale watching, gourmet food and of course the fabulous city of San Francisco — cruises range from the exceptional to the truly sublime.
Silversea - Antarctic
Take an Antarctic Expedition cruise and set foot on this last continent, a place untouched by humanity - and enjoy what is probably the most southernmost afternoon tea in the world. Revel in the beauty and overwhelming power of nature. Admire the staggering abundance of wildlife. Meet the personal challenge of reaching the earth’s last great wilderness frontier. You’ll cruise across seas of glass, passing giant prisms of ice riding an ink-blue sea.
Silversea - Arctic and Greenland
Cruise to Arctic and Greenland and create memories you'll never forget. From abundant wildlife and dramatic landscapes, to the Midnight Sun follow in the wake of the Vikings to Greenland and Iceland. Explore Svalbard where the polar bear roams freely. Hike and Zodiac amid icebergs and spectacular tundra. Vast colonies of birds pocket the rugged cliffs. Seals and walrus haul out on rocky outcrops. Whales spout and breach before your eyes.
Silversea - Australia and New Zealand
Cruise to Australia and New Zealand to discover a land of superlatives. From the Great Barrier Reef to the oldest living civilization, Australia is a land of unparalleled excellence. There are jumping kangaroos, cuddly koalas and scenery few places on earth can match. It’s hard to imagine anything more beautiful than the Kimberley coast or Ayer’s Rock at sunset. Unless it’s New Zealand with her stunning Lord of the Ring landscapes. Silversea's New Zealand cruises show off the Sub-Antarctic to its very best.
Silversea - Galapagos
Take a Galapagos Expedition cruise and discover the species that inhabit this famous archipelago. Experience this living museum of natural history and its creatures that are as engaging as they are unique. Watch bellowing elephant bulls challenge each other in a spectacular display. Admire the courtship of a Blue-footed Booby. Step over iguanas basking in the sun. It is not only the abundance of wildlife, but their fearlessness that makes the Galápagos island cruise a nature lover’s dream.
Silversea - Russian Far East
Take a cruise to the Russian Far East, where the winter ice isolates the Kuril Islands with their stunning volcanic landscapes and spectacular populations of seabirds and cetaceans thrive. The world’s largest bear roams the Kamchatka Peninsula, while the nutrient-rich waters of the Bering Sea support every form of Arctic life. The Russian Far East is a fantasyland for the intrepid explorer, where every landing here holds promise of something amazing.
Silversea - South Pacific
South Pacific Islands include a broad range of environments from the massive mountains of Papua New Guinea to deserted atolls and lagoons of fantasy. Located in a geographic area that extends over three million square miles, they support an incredible diversity of tribal cultures with an intriguing repository of ancestral traditions, and enough untouched natural beauty to last a lifetime.
LLAMENOS AL: 1.800.444.1560
Términos y condiciones
La tarifa del crucero incluye todos los servicios e instalaciones normales a bordo, además de todas las comidas, todas las bebidas no alcohólicas, vinos selectos, cervezas durante el almuerzo y la cena y excursiones en tierra. La tarifa del crucero no incluye cargos por puerto de cruceros, seguridad, navegación, atraque, estiba y manejo / almacenamiento de equipaje, recargos por combustible, tarifas o cargos impuestos por autoridades gubernamentales o cuasi gubernamentales, visitas turísticas o comidas en tierra, impuestos, propinas, tarifas de visa , servicio de lavandería o valet, o cualquier artículo o servicio de naturaleza personal, como cualquier servicio de masaje o salón que se pueda proporcionar a bordo y por el cual se puedan imponer cargos por separado. Los traslados entre el aeropuerto y el barco el día de embarque y desembarque no están incluidos.